Origin of Issue:
There is no evidence that Hubbard’s system of Scientology owes any great debt to that of Crowley, Parsons or the O.T.O. Indeed none of the four members of Crowley’s order whom I have contacted in England and America has been able to confirm any significant points of similarity. The only apparent similarities are those which are common to a number of systems of magical and occult practice – for example, the belief that the individual has supernatural abilities such as telepathy, teleportation, and telekinesis, which can be achieved or regained through mental and spiritual exercises. In the case of many magical and occult systems these practices and their goals have been absorbed from Yoga.
Wallis, R. (1976). The Road To Total Freedom, Columbia University Press.
Crowley wrote about his two part system of Magick and Yoga in a letter to Cara Soror:
First of all then, my system can be divided into two parts. Apparently diametrically opposed, but at the end converging, the one helping the other until the final method of progress partakes equally of both elements.
For convenience I shall call the first method Magick, and the second method Yoga. The opposition between these is very plain for the direction of Magick is wholly outward, that of Yoga wholly inward.
Crowley, A., (n.d.) Magick Without Tears. Retrieved 30 May 2010 from
Jon Atack researched the issue of Scientology’s occult debt and wrote extensively about it. From Hubbard and the Occult:
Scientology seems to be a hybrid of science-fiction and magic. Hubbard’s reflection on philosophy seem to derive largely from Will Durant‘s Story of Philosophy (13) and the works of Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley is surely the most famous black magician of the twentieth-century. It is impossible to arrive at an understanding of Scientology without taking into account its creator’s extensive involvement with magic. The trail has been so well obscured in the past that even such a scholar as Professor Gordon Melton has been deceived into the opinion that Hubbard was not a practitioner of ritual magic and that Scientology is not related to magical beliefs and practices. In the book A Piece of Blue Sky, I explored these connections in detail. The revelations surrounding Hubbard’s private papers in the 1984 Armstrong case in California makes any denial of the connections fatuous. The significances of these connections is of course open to discussion.
The chapter in A Piece of Blue Sky that describes Hubbard’s involvement with the ideas of magic is called His Magical Career. I hope I shall be excused for relying upon it. I shall also here describe further research, and comment particularly upon Hubbard’s use of magical symbols, and the inescapable view that many of the beliefs and practices of Scientology are a reformation of ritual magic (14).
(13) See particularly the chapters on Bergson and Spencer.
(14) See also Jacobsen‘s The Hubbard is Bare and Bent Corydon‘s L. Ron Hubbard, Messiah or Madman? Corydon relied upon excellent research by Brian Ambry but also upon L. Ron Hubbard jnr, whose credibility is questionable. See also L. Ron Hubbard, jnr, A Look Into Scientology or 1/10 of 1% of Scientology, manuscript, 1972.
LashTal Message board discussion: L. Ron Hubbard and Thelema
Dianetics: The Original Thesis
- Dianetics: The Original Thesis (Introduction)
- Dianetics: The Original Thesis (Primary Axioms)
- Scientology site: A Note on Excalibur
- Hubbard’s letter to Forrest Ackerman (re: Excalibur The Dark Sword)
- Article: The Original Thesis (Compares Hubbard’s DTOT with the requirements of Crowley’s A.:A.: system for Adeptus Exemptus.)
The Factors
- L. Ron Hubbard’s The Factors. “Summation of the considerations and examinations of the human spirit and the material universe completed between A.D. 1923 and 1953.”
- Aleister Crowley’s The Naples Arrangement Part 1, and Part 2.
- article: The Naples Arrangement by (jk) & AC
- Article: The Factors (comparing The Factors with The Naples Arrangement)
Science of Survival
- Ad for Science of Survival
- The Tree of Death
- The Tunnels of Set
- HCO PL 14 Feb 65 KSW 4 Safeguarding the Technology (Re tunnels, labyrinth, the sticky dark, slavery, darkness, misery)
The Scientology snake and double triangle symbol
The Scientology cross symbol
- Modifies Rosicrucian “Rosy cross.” See Crowley’s Rosy cross.
- Magick Liber ABA Book Four: Ceremonial Magick Preliminary Remarks by Aleister Crowley re: significance of magical symbols.
- Incorporates Crowley’s dagger and sword. See Crowley’s diagrams from Liber ABA Book IV.
- Magick Liber ABA Chapter VIII The Sword. The symbolic meaning of the sword is Reason, the analytical faculty. Compares the relationship of the dagger and sword.
- Scientology site: Hubbard explained Ethics as reason.
- Scientology site: Cf. Scientology Ethics and Judicial Matters.
- Scientology site: Ethics Justice and the Dynamics by L. Ron Hubbard
- Article: Excalibur and The Scientology cross.
- Hubbard letter to Forrest Ackerman re: Excalibur The Dark Sword
- Sea Org sword symbolism.
- Scientology Definitions: Theta, Thetan, etc.
- Dianetics Axioms: Definitions of Theta θ, Lambda λ, Phi φ.
- Liber ABA Appendices re: Theta symbol and Qabalastic meanings.
- Magick without Tears (re: references to theta)
- Article: What is Theta?
The Time Track and Magical Memory
- HCOB Time Track and Engram Running by Chains by L. Ron Hubbard
- Science of Survival by L. Ron Hubbard
- Science of Survival by L. Ron Hubbard
- Training of the Mind by Ananda Metteyya, aka Charles Bennett (Crowley’s Yoga instructor)
- Liber ThIshARB (Re Training of the Mind)
- Magick Without Tears Chapter XXXVII (Re Magical Memory) by Aleister Crowley
- Magick Without Tears Chapter LXXXI (Re Magical Memory) by Aleister Crowley
- Magick In Theory and Practice (The Magical Memory)
Scientology Training
- PAB 110 15 April 1957 Education
- Article: What is the Beast?
- Golden Age of Tech training
- Mojave Academy Newsletter
- Magick In Theory And Practice by Aleister Crowley (Re education)
- Ceremonial Magick, The Training For Meditation: Preliminary Remarks by Aleister Crowley
Alice in Wonderland
- Through the Looking Glass:
Relates Hubbard’s incorporation of Lewis Carroll’s fiction in Scientology training with Crowley’s usage of the same occult text. - Aleister Crowley introduced his essay on religions with a parody on Through the Looking Glass: The Sword of Song (pdf)
- Hubbard talked about a confusion technique in this lecture.
- Related: Dear Alice
Scientology Dissemination
- The Deadly Quartet: Hubbard’s magic formula for making “friends.”
- The Beast 666 by John Symonds (re how to attract an elemental.)
The Bridge
- Bridge to Total Freedom (Large grade chart)
- The Mystical & Magical System of the A.:A.: The Spiritual System of Aleister Crowley and George Cecil Jones Step by Step: by James A. Eshelman
- Tree of Life (Lon Milo DuQuette)
The Sea Org
- The Kali Ritual
- Affidavit of Monica Pignotti
- Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God by Kenneth Grant (Re: Kali, The Scarlet Woman, Babalon)
The Golden Age of Administration
Babalon symbolism in Scientology
Ref: The Book of Thoth by Aleister Crowley
XI Lust and Babalon