Reporter’s Daily Transcript in Scientology v. Armstrong 15 May 1984
Source: Q BY MR. FLYNN: Why did you send me exhibit 500 quadruple O, Mr. Armstrong? I think I have got a little bit ahead of myself. Let me withdraw that for the time being and go back to 500 quadruple J, “L. Ron Hubbard and J.W. Parsons”; why did you send me that? […]
The Babalon Working by Michael Staley
Source: The Babalon Working In 1969, the “Sunday Times” newspaper published an article on the lines of “Founder of Scientology involved in Black Magic”, in which they recounted details of the Babalon Working. The article was based on details gleaned from the Gerald Yorke Collection at the Warburg Institute, to which the reporters had gained […]
The Road to Total Freedom by Roy Wallis
It has also been suggested that Hubbard secured some of the material incorporated into Scientology from Jack Parsons, a follower of Aleister Crowley and briefly the head of a Lodge of Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis in Pasadena.[1] That Hubbard was associated with Parsons early in 1946 is not in doubt, although a press release issued […]
Reporter’s Daily Transcript in Scientology v. Armstrong 15 May 1984
Source: Q BY MR. FLYNN: Why did you send me exhibit 500 quadruple O, Mr. Armstrong? I think I have got a little bit ahead of myself. Let me withdraw that for the time being and go back to 500 quadruple J, “L. Ron Hubbard and J.W. Parsons”; why did you send me that? […]
Church of Scientology West US letter 30 November 1996
Source: Wake Up Down There The Excluded Middle Collection [] Church of Scientology, Western United States Continental Liaison Office Western United States 30 November, 1996 To The Editor: Re: JACK PARSONS – The Magikal Scientist and His Circle (The Excluded Middle, Issue 6) I must take issue with the depiction of L. Ron Hubbard in […]
London Sunday Times: Scientology New Light on Crowley
The Sunday Times, December 28, 1969 LONDON Scientology: New Light on Crowley On 5 October, 1969, Spectrum published an article “The odd beginning of L. Ron Hubbard’s Career.” The Church of Scientology has sent us the following information. “Hubbard broke up black magic in America: Dr Jack Parsons of Pasadena, California, was America’s Number One […]
SCIENTOLOGY: Revealed for the first time. . . The odd beginning of Ron Hubbard’s career
London Sunday Times (Spectrum) October 5, 1969 In 1946 Aleister Crowley (left), the sorcerer and mystic whose dabblings in black magic earned him the title The Wickedest Man in the World, found a new disciple and welcomed him to one of his occult communities in California. The extraordinary activities of this new and enthusiastic disciple […]