Lecture: Games Conditions
In this 1961 lecture, Hubbard uses the case of Sprague de Camp as an example of someone who is way down scale, i.e., not able to influence his own mind. Elsewhere Hubbard described de Camp as “one of my archenemies in writing.” A little kid who was just trying to rehabilitate himself in the next […]
Lecture: PreHav Scales and Lists
In this 1962 lecture, Hubbard mentions one of his archenemies, Sprague de Camp as an example of someone who develops a psychosomatic reaction to a “wrong item” concerning some aspect of his case. Apparently de Camp was allergic to cats, which Hubbard found amusing and found satisfaction in using against him. All of a sudden […]
LA Times: The Man Behind The Religion
Source: http://www.latimes.com/la-scientology062490,0,7104164,full.story Hubbard’s intense curiosity about the mind’s power led him into a friendship in 1946 with rocket fuel scientist John Whiteside Parsons. Parsons was a protege of British satanist Aleister Crowley and leader of a black magic group modeled after Crowley’s infamous occult lodge in England. Hubbard also admired Crowley, and in a 1952 […]