Letter: Robert A. Heinlein to Lt. Commander A. B. (Bud) Scoles (14 April 1942)
January 21, 2011 by clerk
Filed under Evidence, The Heinlein Archives
Source: Heinlein archives (ANNA201a-08) Date: 14 April 1942 RAH writes to Bud1saying that although he was then receiving mail at John W. Campbell’s address (2065 Hilltop Road, Westfield, New Jersey) he was staying at John Arwine’s2 apartment (9 West 32nd Street, CH4-2567 in Manhattan.) 3 Notes Lt. Commander A. B. Scoles, Naval Aircraft Factory, Philadelphia, […]
Memo: Lieut. (j.g.) Heinlein, U. S. Navy, Ret., to Bureau of Navigation re: change of address
January 21, 2011 by clerk
Filed under Evidence, The Heinlein Archives
Source: Heinlein archives (ANNA201-09) Date: 18 May 1940 Lieut. (j.g.) Robert A. Heinlein, U. S. Navy, retired, advised the Bureau of Navigation via the Commandant Eleventh Naval District of his new temporary address, care of John Arwine1, 9 West 32nd Street, New York City, New York.2 Notes See Appearances: John Arwine ↩ Hubbard moved to […]
Letter: Robert Heinlein to John Arwine (10 May 1946)
January 20, 2011 by clerk
Filed under Evidence, The Heinlein Archives
From The Admissions of L. Ron Hubbard, ca. 1946: Vida does not resemble your mother. She looks like a wood nymph. You like her. You do not love her to desperation. You are not jealous of her. She thrills you physically and you enjoy her. Letter: Robert Heinlein to John Arwine (10 May 1946) Source: […]
The Revolt of the American Nuclear Physicists
At the end of World War 2 a friend of mine, Lt. Commander of the Coast Guard, Johnny Arwine, and myself went to the California Institute of Technology1—Cal Tech— to meet with a great many old time atomic physicists who had been at the project that dropped the original bomb—from Los Alamos Gordas2, 3. It […]