Monday, January 13, 2025

The Breckenridge Decision in LASC No. C 420153

December 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Evidence

Source: The Breckenridge Decision In 1970 a police agency of the French Government conducted an investigation into Scientology and concluded, “this sect, under the pretext of ‘freeing humans’ is nothing in reality but a vast enterprise to extract the maximum amount of money from its adepts by (use of) pseudo-scientific theories, by (use of) ‘auditions’ […]

Reporter’s Daily Transcript in Scientology v. Armstrong 15 May 1984

December 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Evidence

Source: Q BY MR. FLYNN: Why did you send me exhibit 500 quadruple O, Mr. Armstrong? I think I have got a little bit ahead of myself. Let me withdraw that for the time being and go back to 500 quadruple J, “L. Ron Hubbard and J.W. Parsons”; why did you send me that? […]

Reporter’s Daily Transcript in Scientology v. Armstrong 15 May 1984

December 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Evidence

Source: Q BY MR. FLYNN: Why did you send me exhibit 500 quadruple O, Mr. Armstrong? I think I have got a little bit ahead of myself. Let me withdraw that for the time being and go back to 500 quadruple J, “L. Ron Hubbard and J.W. Parsons”; why did you send me that? […]