Saturday, February 15, 2025

Explosion (Scientology)

January 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Glossary

Source: Hubbard, L. (1979 ) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, Los Angeles, Church of Scientology of California

EXPLOSION, an outflow of energy usually violent but not necessarily so, from a more or less common source point. (Scn 8-8008, p. 49) 1


  1. Hubbard, L. (1952) Scientology 8-8008 Los Angeles, American Saint Hill Organization


    The basic unit of energy is the dimension point. A specialized kind of dimension point is the anchor point which demarks space, but this is again the basic unit of energy. Dimension points are created, controlled or uncreated by the thetan.

    The qualities of energy are three in number: the first is its existing characteristics; the second is its wavelength; the third is its direction of flow or absence of direction of flow. The characteristics can be divided into three classes in their turn. These are flows, dispersals and ridges. The flow is a transfer of energy from one point to another, and the energy in a flow can have any type of wave from the simplest sine-wave to the most complex noise-wave. Flowingness is simply the characteristic of transferringness. A dispersal is a series of outflows from a common point. A dispersal is, primarily, a number of flows extending from a common center. The best example of a dispersal is an explosion. There is such a thing as an in-dispersal. This would be where the flows are all travelling toward a common center. One might call this an implosion. Outflow and inflow from a common center are classified alike under the word “dispersal” for handy classification. The third type of energy characteristic is the ridge. A ridge is essentially suspended energy in space. It comes about by flows, dispersals or ridges impinging against one another with a sufficient solidity to cause an enduring state of energy. A dispersal from the right and a dispersal from the left colliding in space with sufficient volume create a ridge which then exists after the flow itself has ceased. The duration of ridges is quite long.

    Wavelength is the relative distance from node to node in any flow of energy. In the MEST universe, wavelength is commonly measured by centimeters or meters. The higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength is considered to be on the gradient scale of wavelengths. The lower the frequency the longer the wavelength is considered to be on a gradient scale. Radio, sound, light and other manifestations, each has its place on the gradient scale of wavelengths. Wavelength has no bearing upon wave characteristic, but applies to the flow or potential flow. A ridge has potential flow which, when released, may be supposed to have a wavelength. The various perceptions of the body and the thetan, each one is established by a position on the gradient scale of wavelengths. They are each one an energy flow. Direction of flow, relative to the thetan, is of primary interest in energy study. There would be outflow and inflow. There could be outflow and inflow for a source point exterior to the thetan and caused by that source point, and there could be outflow and inflow by the thetan himself. (pp. 17-18)


One Response to “Explosion (Scientology)”
  1. Reg Taylor says:

    From talking to people over the years, I was led to believe
    that the pictures on the books all hearken back to R6.
    So to me it looks like the mushroom cloud of an H Bomb
    (nudge,nudge, wink)