Monday, January 13, 2025

Correspondence with The Warburg Institute

December 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Traffic

From: Caroline Letkeman
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 4:23 PM
To: ‘’
Subject: Gerald Yorke Collection


Dear Librarian,

I am doing some research on L. Ron Hubbard and the O.T.O. and am hoping you can help me with information about some documents contained within the Gerald Yorke Collection identified above.

The specific documents within the York Collection are described in an online article by Michael Staley:

In 1969, the “Sunday Times” newspaper published an article on the lines of “Founder of Scientology involved in Black Magic”, in which they recounted details of the Babalon Working. The article was based on details gleaned from the Gerald Yorke Collection at the Warburg Institute, to which the reporters had gained access. Hubbard instituted legal proceedings for libel, and the “Sunday Times” for reasons of their own decided not to fight it. Subsequently, Yorke withdrew from the Warburg those papers relating to the Working. They were, incidentally, returned some years ago, following Yorke’s death, but are under a 25-year seal. At the time of the action, the Church of Scientology made a statement alleging that Hubbard had been sent in as an FBI agent to break up a “Black Magic group” which had included several prominent scientists. The operation had, they continued, succeeded beyond the wildest expectations: he rescued a girl that they were “using”, and the group was dispersed and never recovered.

If possible, can you tell me the end date for the 25 year seal?

Caroline Letkeman

Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 9:46 AM
Subject: RE: Gerald Yorke Collection

Dear Caroline,

There is indeed a bundle of documents in the Yorke collection that fits your description. The text specifies: not to be open for 25 years from 1985. Thus the end date is 2010.

Kind regards
<snip name>
The Warburg Institute Library
Woburn Square
London WC1H 0AB
020 7862 8949

From: Caroline Letkeman
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 10:55 AM
To: ‘’
Subject: RE: Gerald Yorke Collection

Dear <snip name>

Thanks very much for your answer. These documents are of great significance to the Scientology problem, and I am relieved to know that they are still safe. Scientology has undoubtedly calendared the end date for the seal as well. The organization has a long history of document theft and destruction, including from libraries.

Would it be possible to obtain a scan of the sealing order or other document?


Caroline Letkeman

From: Caroline Letkeman
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 5:33 PM
To: ‘’
Cc: <snip>
Subject: Gerald Yorke Collection

Dear <snip name>

We corresponded last year about a bundle of sealed documents in the Yorke Collection. (Correspondence below.)

I am still very interested in these documents and would be very grateful if you could give me an exact date in 2010 that these documents will be unsealed.

Best regards,
Caroline Letkeman

<snip earlier correspondence>

From: <snip name>
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 2:05 AM
Cc: <snip>
Subject: FW: Gerald Yorke Collection

Dear Caroline,

The envelop does not specify any month or day, thus as far as we are concerned its content will be available for consultation after 01/01/2010. You will need permission to use the Yorke Collection. For this you need to apply in writing to the Librarian, Professor Jill Kraye, whom I have copied in this email.
Kind regards

<snip name>
The Warburg Institute Library
Woburn Square

London WC1H 0AB


3 Responses to “Correspondence with The Warburg Institute”
  1. admin says:

    Thanks for your kind words, In the shadows. I’m glad to hear of your interest in this material.

  2. In the shadows says:


    I have just discovered your website, thanks to a WWP thread which led me here. I intend to do a lot of reading of the materials you have provided and I have bookmarked your website to return to it frequently.

    Thank you for this much needed research and documentation.

    I, like you, was duped by scientology and would never have spent any time or money on it, if I had known the truth. I hope through your efforts and countless others…..that scientology will only be remembered in the annals of history as the “largest spiritual/financial fraud to be perpetuated in the 20th century”.

    Good luck, and I wish you the best.

  3. Great work Caroline. This could be very interesting data.