Saturday, February 15, 2025

William H. Patterson, Jr.: “The New Yorker knows who I am”

February 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Evidence, The Heinlein Archives

The author [Lawrence Wright] contacted me when a high church official 1 said the biography confirmed that Heinlein as Hubbard’s naval intelligence handler sent Hubbard to Jack Parsons to break up “black magic” practice.2 The author of the article3 noted that the biography doesn’t say anything about this. He contacted me by email and we […]

The New Yorker: The Apostate

February 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Evidence

In his Paul Haggis profile in The New Yorker, Lawrence Wright touched on Hubbard’s involvement with Jack Parsons and quoted some new claims in this story made by Scientology spokesperson Tommy Davis about Hubbard and Robert Heinlein. After the war, Hubbard’s marriage dissolved1, and he moved to Pasadena2, where he became the housemate of Jack […]

Letter: Lieut. Commander A. B. Scoles to Robert Heinlein

January 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Evidence, The Heinlein Archives

Source: Heinlein Archives (ANNA201a-9) Date: 14 January 1942 Lieutenant Commander A. B. Scoles wrote to Heinlein on stationery from UNITED STATES NAVY YARD, PHILADELPHIA, PA, NAVAL AIRCRAFT FACTORY. It’s obvious that they had known each other and been corresponding for some years. Scoles said that he had been reading all Heinlein’s stories, and that it […]

Hubbard addresses (16 July 1945—14 November 1947)

January 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Evidence

16 July 451 1212 Gregory Way, Bremerton, WA. 20 Aug 452 1212 Gregory Way, Bremerton, WA. 31 Aug 453 Garden Grove, Oregon 20 September 454 US Naval Hospital, Oakland October 12, 19455 Eleanor Hotel, Los Angeles, California 13 October 456 1212 Gregory Way, Bremerton, WA 19 October 457 Eleanor Hotel, Los Angeles, California 8 November […]

HCOPL: Income Flows and Pools Principles of Money Management

January 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Evidence

HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 9 MARCH  1972R Issue I REVISED 4 August 1983 Remimeo FBO Hat Hatting Officer to M4, star-rate and have clay demoed by FBO Finance Series11RA INCOME FLOWS AND POOLS PRINCIPLES OF MONEY MANAGEMENT (This PL corrects any earlier PL where there is […]

HCOPL: Financial Planning Tips

January 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Evidence

HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 13 FEBRUARY  1971 Remimeo Add Finance Checksheet All FP Members Finance Series 2 FINANCIAL PLANNING TIPS FP need not be a burden at all. If these five  conditions exist then FP is very easy. 1.    PRODUCE AS  AN  ACTIVITY.  Look over what  […]

HCOPL: Legal and Dissemination

January 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Evidence

HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 10 AUGUST 1968 Remimeo (Originally a Sec ED) LEGAL AND DISSEMINATION Never   stop   dissemination   to   iron   out   legal!   Never,   Never,   Never.   The $250,000 LA foundation folded because it did just that under Admiral Scoles1 and J.  B.  Farber. L. RON HUBBARD Founder […]

Lecture: Organization of Data

January 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Evidence

In this 1952 lecture, Hubbard criticizes the scientific method that he says has been in use for a long time, because it “results in super specialization.” Hubbard gives an example of “super specialization,” and names his authority: Dr. Pottenger, Monrovia, California. 1 Why, you go down a hall in a medical building and you check […]

Letter: Robert A. Heinlein to Lt. Commander A. B. (Bud) Scoles (14 April 1942)

January 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Evidence, The Heinlein Archives

Source: Heinlein archives (ANNA201a-08) Date: 14 April 1942 RAH writes to Bud1saying that although he was then receiving mail at John W. Campbell’s address (2065 Hilltop Road, Westfield, New Jersey)  he was staying at John Arwine’s2 apartment (9 West 32nd Street, CH4-2567 in Manhattan.) 3 Notes Lt. Commander A. B. Scoles, Naval Aircraft Factory, Philadelphia, […]

Memo: Lieut. (j.g.) Heinlein, U. S. Navy, Ret., to Bureau of Navigation re: change of address

January 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Evidence, The Heinlein Archives

Source: Heinlein archives (ANNA201-09) Date: 18 May 1940 Lieut. (j.g.) Robert A. Heinlein, U. S. Navy, retired, advised the Bureau of Navigation via the Commandant Eleventh Naval District of his new temporary address, care of John Arwine1, 9 West 32nd Street, New York City, New York.2 Notes See Appearances: John Arwine ↩ Hubbard moved to […]

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