Monday, January 13, 2025


Caroline Letkeman and Gerry Armstrong are solely responsible for this site, which organizes and makes available information concerning L. Ron Hubbard’s role in The Babalon Working and connected events. The site is a response to statements the Scientology organization and its agents have made about Hubbard’s role in the Working, and in the whole occult orbit.

This site is entirely non-commercial in purpose and function, and its information is being provided freely. Its purpose is to demonstrate through the presentation of evidence that Scientology’s relevant statements or claims about Hubbard’s roles are false. The site’s intent is to be critical of Scientology and Scientologists for their demonstrated falsehoods, and for the fraud and other harm resulting from those falsehoods. Neither Caroline Letkeman, Gerry Armstrong or this site are in any way affiliated with or sponsored or authorized by any Scientology organization or affiliated entity.

We have in all instances used what copyrighted materials we considered necessary for the above stated purpose and for related research, commentary and teaching in accordance with copyright fair use laws. In all instances where we have quoted or otherwise used Scientology’s, or anyone else’s, materials, documents, texts or images, we have credited their source and author, if these are known or available. If we have failed to properly mention or credit the source or author of any materials, documents, texts or images on this site, please advise us at

We have made every effort to ensure that documents, texts or data provided here are accurate, and presented in reasonably adequate and legally allowable contexts. We cannot, however, guarantee that there will be no errors. We make no warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, except this site’s above stated purpose, and we assume no legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any documents, texts or data on this site. If you find any errors, please communicate them to us.

Although we believe we have demonstrated with the evidence and argument on this site that Scientology and Scientologists are perpetrating fraud through their publication of falsehoods and withholding of the truth they know, we are not lawyers, and neither our belief nor anything else stated or implied herein should be considered or construed as legal advice. Regarding any potential fraud claim against David Miscavige and his Scientology organizations, or when any other legal advice is truly needed, please seek a professional.